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Adopted Children & Families

PsyCAF provides specialist psychological assessments and therapy for adopted, looked after or fostered children and their families. Dr Piggott has completed hundreds of assessments with children and families many of who have experienced significant trauma. The assessments provided can be funded by accessing the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) (usually via the post adoption social worker).


The assessments are completed by exploring the child's life at home and school, exploring  any  historical information/reports and by meeting with the child/ren and families to "get a real picture" of what life is like for the family and the child at the time. A professional and psychologically informed report is then shared face-face with the family. This allows a full discussion and importantly, treatment recommendations to be discussed.


Therapeutic recommendations may include for example, working with the child and parent/s together, focus specifically with parents or a combination of these. Types of therapies we typically draw from can be noted in our "Therapy" section


From receiving the initial referral for a specialist assessment to sharing the report with the family, usually takes 4-6 weeks.

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